2019 Application
13 & 14 April 2019 (Sat & Sun) Δ
09:00 - 18:00
The University of Hong Kong Δ
Form 3 or above
(Each school team* must have minimum of 6 to maximum of 12 students)
HK$4,200 per team
16 November 2018
Registration fee:
Application Deadline:
* All school teams must be secondary schools located in Hong Kong.
Δ Final event dates and venue to be confirmed by the organiser.

For application, please fill in the team sheet as well as team member's individual registration form and send to mt@arch-community-outreach.com.
For the registration fee, please make cheque payable to “ARCH Community Outreach Limited” and include school name and teacher advisor's name on the back of the cheque. Please mail the cheque to below address. Alternatively, cash payment can be settled in person at our center.
ARCH Community Outreach Limited
Unit 202-205, 2/F Wilson House, 19-27 Wyndham Street, Central, Hong Kong
Attn: Hong Kong Inter-School Mock Trial Championship 2018
Please note that school team’s registration is not considered as completed until all filled forms and registration fee have been acknowledged and received by ACO.
The Competition is limited to 24-28 school teams (subject final confirmation). Team applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. When all available spots are filled, subsequent applicants will be put on the waitlist.
Accepted teams will receive confirmation from ARCH Community Outreach (ACO) no later than
7 December 2018. Teams on the wait-list that do not make the Competition field will have their registration refunded.
No registration fee will be refunded if a registered team withdraws from the Competition after receiving confirmation from ACO; or does not complete the Competition.​