See what students, lawyers and educators say about Hong Kong Inter-School Mock Trial Championship.
I had a blast! This was a great opportunity for us to step out of our comfort zones and explore our potentials!
- A.W., Baptist Lui Ming Choi Secondary School
The Competition is a valuable opportunity for the participants to experience something of the trial process which is a fundamental component of our legal system. It is also an opportunity to compete in an event which requires a broad set of skills including flexible thinking and effective communication. Learning to master your nerves and developing confidence in public speaking is one of the benefits of taking part in moots.
- Honorable Mr. Justice Jonathan Harris, Hong Kong
I would definitely recommend this competition to my schoolmates and right now I’m trying to create a club so I can incorporate as many my classmates as possible and introduce them to Mock Trial because I think it’s an experience that was very beneficial to me and I want them to have similar experience in practicing law.
- R.M., Hong Kong International School
It was a humbling experience for us. We saw the difference between Hong Kong and US Mock trial and learnt a lot of new skills. Adding onto that, we got to explore a new city and meet people from halfway around the world. This amazing experience is one that I will never forget.
- T.K., Diocesan Girls' School
A good challenge is the spice of life; Inter-school Mock Trial is the spice of high school. Mock trial tests your ability to comprehend a sophisticated case, your ability to convince a jury and your ability to think on your feet. The best thing about the tournament, however, is the friends you make outside the court—they could be from opposing counsel who just objected during your direct examination. In a nutshell, Mock Trial was an unforgettable and glorious highlight of high school life.
- A.C., St Paul's Convent School
I think the Mock Trial has offered me a great chance to practice my impromptu speaking and it’s been great for me in this two-day tournament.
- B.W., SKH Tsang Shiu Tim Secondary School
I was very impressed with the participant's enthusiasm and dedication in this competition. The judge's valuable opinions were also very helpful to shape us to become better public speakers.
- P.Y., Chinese International School
I need to congratulate you on the smooth, professional running of an excellent competition. It was such a great experience to be involved with the tournament. The students gained so tremendously not only from the extensive preparation and presenting at the trials themselves, but the opportunity to speak with members of the law community, both one-on-one and in small groups, was absolutely invaluable. Thank you!
- C.M., Canadian International School of Hong Kong
We had a spectacular time in this competition and it was a really exciting and rewarding experience for all of us. You have said in the opening speech that you wanted to fill us with a desire to win this competition and I am glad that you succeeded because I have never seen students from our school work this hard to achieve something in a competition before. Although we did not win the biggest honor of all, we won something better - perseverance and confidence.
I really want to thank you and all the people who put in a lot of effort to host this competition because through it, I fell in love with mock trial. I loved the feeling of adrenaline pulsing through my veins as I deliver my answers as a witness…This competition gave me an experience that I will never forget.
- L.C., St. Stephen's College
I think one of the first items is the ability to think in a very critical way, because the students are provided with a lot of information a lot of facts. And they have to sift through all these information and find the person and facts that will make their case stronger in order to put forward a strong argument.
- M.T., Barclays Legal Group
As judges, we are observers. We evaluate the performance of the students. I am amazed and touched every time when I judge in a room. I am amazed and touched by the students’ performance, by their ability to think on feet, by their advocacy skills and their poise.
- S.C., Addleshaw Goddard
Students in Mock Trial played both the role of the barrister and the witnesses. Each team has three students in each round who’ll be barristers and three who’ll be witnesses. These witnesses can be everywhere from doctors and scientists to pub owners and babysitters. And that really speaks to the wide variety of skills and activities that people can get out of Mock Trial.
- D.H., Vinson & Elkins LLP
I wanted to say a huge thank you for supporting our students to attend the recent Mock Trial over the weekend. I really appreciate this support, particularly with the large number of students we do have on scholarship. I understand you not only found ways financially to support our students, but you gave a lot of encouragement in terms of the preparation for the event and also in watching them participate.
- A.E., Principal of Li Po Chun United World College
Students can pursue their dreams through the competition! I already have a number of students who declared that they want to be lawyers! So it’s just great that they have such a good hands-on experience being in this competition. So they know their roles and the practice of how lawyers do in Hong Kong.
- K.L., Teacher of St Paul's Convent School
Congratulations on a fantastic weekend; it seemed a great success! I really enjoyed coming along and will definitely be looking to take part next year.
- A.R., Teacher of Kellett School
I was there for the 2 trials on Saturday and was really impressed with the preparation of all the teams and their ability to present their cases and cross examine. There were some very amusing moments too with some of the witnesses playing their roles with aplomb. It was my first experience of Mock Trial and I thoroughly enjoyed it...Well done and I hope Mock Trial continues to thrive in HK!